Canvas is not supported in your browser. Canvas is not supported in your browser.

Interact with a variety of different products and services on Dero's decentralized application platform


DERO is a general purpose, private, and scalable decentralized application platform that allows developers to deploy powerful and unstoppable applications, while users retain total control over their assets with complete privacy.

dReams repo is built as packages. With imports from the Dero code base, dReams variable structures are complete with the basics needs for building Dero applications that can run alone, or ones that could be integrated into dReams ecosystem. Our marketplace and asset controls are available for other dApps to use. dReams Gnomon functionality can be imported for a variety of use cases.

Check out Dero docs for more info.

git clone
cd dReams
cd cmd/dReams
go build .


dReams is written in Go and can easily be built from source.

You will need to have:

Latest version of Go installed.

Fyne dependencies installed.

Run the following commands to build dReams from source.

package main

import ""


Building with dReams packages is easy, you will need to have:

Latest version of Go installed. 

Fyne dependencies installed.

Import a dReams package for use in your program and run.


The rpc package contains all of the basic functionality needed to set up clients, check connectivity and read blockchain and wallet information. There are arbitrary rpc calls which any dApp can make use of such as the NFA calls, SendMessage() or SendAsset() with optional payload. This example checks for daemon and wallet rpc connectivity.

package main

import (


// dReams rpc connection example

// Name my app
const app_tag = "My_app"

func main() {
    // Initialize rpc addresses to rpc.Daemon and rpc.Wallet vars
    rpc.Daemon.Rpc = ""
    rpc.Wallet.Rpc = ""
    // Initialize rpc.Wallet.UserPass for rpc user:pass

    // Check for daemon connection

    // Check for wallet connection and get address

    // Exit with ctrl-C
    var exit bool
    c := make(chan os.Signal, 1)
    signal.Notify(c, os.Interrupt, syscall.SIGTERM)
    go func() {
        log.Printf("[%s] Closing\n", app_tag)
        exit = true

    // Loop will check for daemon and wallet connection and
    // print wallet height and balance. It will keep
    // running while daemon and wallet are connected or until exit
    for !exit && rpc.IsReady() {
        log.Printf("[%s] Height: %d   Dero Balance: %s\n", app_tag, rpc.Wallet.Height, rpc.FromAtomic(rpc.Wallet.Balance, 5))
        time.Sleep(3 * time.Second)

    log.Printf("[%s] Not connected\n", app_tag)


gnomes package contains the base components used for Gnomon indexing. StartGnomon()allows apps to run a instance of Gnomon with search filter and pass optional func for any custom index requirements.

package main

import (


// dReams gnomes StartGnomon() example

// Name my app
const app_tag = "My_app"

// Log output
var logger = structures.Logger.WithFields(logrus.Fields{})

// Gnomon instance from gnomes package
var gnomon = gnomes.NewGnomes()

func main() {
    // Initialize Gnomon fast sync true to sync db immediately
    gnomon.SetFastsync(true, false, 100)

    // Initialize rpc address to rpc.Daemon var
    rpc.Daemon.Rpc = ""

    // Initialize logger to Stdout

    // Check for daemon connection, if daemon is not connected we won't start Gnomon
    if rpc.Daemon.IsConnected() {
        // Initialize NFA search filter and start Gnomon
        filter := []string{gnomes.NFA_SEARCH_FILTER}
        gnomes.StartGnomon(app_tag, "boltdb", filter, 0, 0, nil)

        // Exit with ctrl-C
        var exit bool
        c := make(chan os.Signal, 1)
        signal.Notify(c, os.Interrupt, syscall.SIGTERM)
        go func() {
            exit = true

        // Gnomon will continue to run if daemon is connected
        for !exit && rpc.Daemon.IsConnected() {
            contracts := gnomon.GetAllOwnersAndSCIDs()
            logger.Printf("[%s] Index contains %d contracts\n", app_tag, len(contracts))
            time.Sleep(3 * time.Second)

        // Stop Gnomon

    logger.Printf("[%s] Done\n", app_tag)

The menu package contains NFA related items such as the dReams NFA marketplace and asset controls can be independently imported for use in other dApps, it can be used with or without dReams filters. There are menu panels and custom Dero indicators that can be imported. This example shows how to import asset controls and market as app tabs.

package main

import (
    dreams ""

// dReams menu PlaceMarket and PlaceAsset example

// Name my app
const app_tag = "My_app"

func main() {
    // Initialize Fyne window app and window into dReams app object
    a := app.New()
    w := a.NewWindow(app_tag)
    w.Resize(fyne.NewSize(900, 700))
    d := dreams.AppObject{
        App:    a,
        Window: w,

    // Simple asset profile with wallet name entry and theme select
    line := canvas.NewLine(bundle.TextColor)
    profile := []*widget.FormItem{}
    profile = append(profile, widget.NewFormItem("Name", menu.NameEntry()))
    profile = append(profile, widget.NewFormItem("", layout.NewSpacer()))
    profile = append(profile, widget.NewFormItem("", container.NewVBox(line)))
    profile = append(profile, widget.NewFormItem("Theme", menu.ThemeSelect(&d)))
    profile = append(profile, widget.NewFormItem("", container.NewVBox(line)))

    // Rescan button function in asset tab
    rescan := func() {
        // What you want to scan wallet for

    // Place asset and market layouts into tabs
    tabs := container.NewAppTabs(
        container.NewTabItem("Assets", menu.PlaceAssets(app_tag, widget.NewForm(profile...), rescan, bundle.ResourceDReamsIconAltPng, &d)),
        container.NewTabItem("Market", menu.PlaceMarket(&d)))

    // Place tabs as window content and run app


The dwidget package is a extension to fyne widgets that intends to make creating dApps simpler and quicker with widgets specified for use with Dero. Numerical entries have prefix, increment and decimal control and pre-configured connection boxes can be used that are tied into dReams rpc vars and have default Dero connection addresses populated. There is objects for shutdown control as well as a spot for the dReams indicators, or new ones. This example starts a Fyne gui app using VerticalEntries() to start Gnomon when connected

package main

import (


// dReams dwidget NewVerticalEntries() example

// Name my app
const app_tag = "My_app"

// Gnomon instance from gnomes package
var gnomon = gnomes.NewGnomes()

func main() {
    // Initialize Gnomon fast sync true to sync db immediately
    gnomon.SetFastsync(true, false, 100)

    // Initialize logger to Stdout

    // Initialize fyne app
    a := app.New()

    // Initialize fyne window with size
    w := a.NewWindow(app_tag)
    w.Resize(fyne.NewSize(300, 100))

    // When window closes, stop Gnomon if running
    w.SetCloseIntercept(func() {
        if gnomon.IsInitialized() {

    // Initialize dwidget connection box
    connect_box := dwidget.NewVerticalEntries(app_tag, 1)

    // When connection button is pressed we will connect to wallet rpc,
    // and start Gnomon with NFA search filter if it is not running
    connect_box.Button.OnTapped = func() {
        if rpc.Daemon.Connect && !gnomon.IsInitialized() && !gnomon.IsStarting() {
            go gnomes.StartGnomon(app_tag, "boltdb", []string{gnomes.NFA_SEARCH_FILTER}, 0, 0, nil)

    // Place connection box and start app



The bundle package contains all dReams resources. Images, gifs and fonts can be imported as well as the two Dero styled base app themes for Fyne. This example starts a Fyne gui app with various widgets to show case both Dero themes and image imports from bundle.

package main

import (


// Name my app
const app_tag = "My_app"

func main() {
    // Initialize app color to bundle var
    bundle.AppColor = color.Black

    // Initialize fyne app with Dero theme
    a := app.New()

    // Initialize fyne window with size and icon from bundle package
    w := a.NewWindow(app_tag)
    w.Resize(fyne.NewSize(300, 100))

    // Initialize fyne container and add some various widgets for viewing purposes
    cont := container.NewVBox()
    cont.Add(container.NewAdaptiveGrid(3, dwidget.NewCenterLabel("Label"), widget.NewEntry(), widget.NewButton("Button", nil)))
    cont.Add(container.NewAdaptiveGrid(3, widget.NewLabel("Label"), widget.NewCheck("Check", nil), dwidget.NewLine(30, 30, bundle.TextColor)))
    cont.Add(widget.NewSlider(0, 100))

    // Widget to change theme
    change_theme := widget.NewRadioGroup([]string{"Dark", "Light"}, func(s string) {
        switch s {
        case "Dark":
            bundle.AppColor = color.Black
        case "Light":
            bundle.AppColor = color.White


    change_theme.Horizontal = true

    // Add a image from bundle package
    gnomon_img := canvas.NewImageFromResource(bundle.ResourceGnomonIconPng)
    gnomon_img.SetMinSize(fyne.NewSize(45, 45))

    // Adding last widget
    select_entry := widget.NewSelect([]string{"Choice 1", "Choice 2", "Choice 3"}, nil)

    // Place widget container and start app


Help support the project

Canvas is not supported in your browser. Canvas is not supported in your browser.


DERO is a general purpose, private, and scalable decentralized application platform that allows developers to deploy powerful and unstoppable applications, while users retain total control over their assets with complete privacy.

dReams repo is built as packages. With imports from the Dero code base, dReams variable structures are complete with the basics needs for building Dero applications that can run alone, or ones that could be integrated into dReams ecosystem. Our marketplace and asset controls are available for other dApps to use. dReams Gnomon functionality can be imported for a variety of use cases.

Check out Dero docs for more info.


dReams is written in Go and can easily be built from source.

You will need to have:

Latest version of Go installed.

Fyne dependencies installed.

Run the following commands to build dReams from source.

git clone
cd dReams
cd cmd/dReams
go build .


Building with dReams packages is easy, you will need to have:

Latest version of Go installed.

Fyne dependencies installed.

Import a dReams package for use in your program and run.

package main

import ""


The rpc package contains all of the basic functionality needed to set up clients, check connectivity and read blockchain and wallet information. There are arbitrary rpc calls which any dApp can make use of such as the NFA calls, SendMessage() or SendAsset() with optional payload. This example checks for daemon and wallet rpc connectivity.

package main

import (


// dReams rpc connection example

// Name my app
const app_tag = "My_app"

func main() {
    // Initialize rpc addresses to rpc.Daemon and rpc.Wallet vars
    rpc.Daemon.Rpc = ""
    rpc.Wallet.Rpc = ""
    // Initialize rpc.Wallet.UserPass for rpc user:pass

    // Check for daemon connection

    // Check for wallet connection and get address

    // Exit with ctrl-C
    var exit bool
    c := make(chan os.Signal, 1)
    signal.Notify(c, os.Interrupt, syscall.SIGTERM)
    go func() {
        log.Printf("[%s] Closing\n", app_tag)
        exit = true

    // Loop will check for daemon and wallet connection and
    // print wallet height and balance. It will keep
    // running while daemon and wallet are connected or until exit
    for !exit && rpc.IsReady() {
        log.Printf("[%s] Height: %d   Dero Balance: %s\n", app_tag, rpc.Wallet.Height, rpc.FromAtomic(rpc.Wallet.Balance, 5))
        time.Sleep(3 * time.Second)

    log.Printf("[%s] Not connected\n", app_tag)


gnomes package contains the base components used for Gnomon indexing. StartGnomon()allows apps to run a instance of Gnomon with search filter and pass optional func for any custom index requirements.

package main

import (


// dReams gnomes StartGnomon() example

// Name my app
const app_tag = "My_app"

// Log output
var logger = structures.Logger.WithFields(logrus.Fields{})

// Gnomon instance from gnomes package
var gnomon = gnomes.NewGnomes()

func main() {
    // Initialize Gnomon fast sync true to sync db immediately
    gnomon.SetFastsync(true, false, 100)

    // Initialize rpc address to rpc.Daemon var
    rpc.Daemon.Rpc = ""

    // Initialize logger to Stdout

    // Check for daemon connection, if daemon is not connected we won't start Gnomon
    if rpc.Daemon.IsConnected() {
        // Initialize NFA search filter and start Gnomon
        filter := []string{gnomes.NFA_SEARCH_FILTER}
        gnomes.StartGnomon(app_tag, "boltdb", filter, 0, 0, nil)

        // Exit with ctrl-C
        var exit bool
        c := make(chan os.Signal, 1)
        signal.Notify(c, os.Interrupt, syscall.SIGTERM)
        go func() {
            exit = true

        // Gnomon will continue to run if daemon is connected
        for !exit && rpc.Daemon.IsConnected() {
            contracts := gnomon.GetAllOwnersAndSCIDs()
            logger.Printf("[%s] Index contains %d contracts\n", app_tag, len(contracts))
            time.Sleep(3 * time.Second)

        // Stop Gnomon

    logger.Printf("[%s] Done\n", app_tag)

package main

import (
    dreams ""

// dReams menu PlaceMarket and PlaceAsset example

// Name my app
const app_tag = "My_app"

func main() {
    // Initialize Fyne window app and window into dReams app object
    a := app.New()
    w := a.NewWindow(app_tag)
    w.Resize(fyne.NewSize(900, 700))
    d := dreams.AppObject{
        App:    a,
        Window: w,

    // Simple asset profile with wallet name entry and theme select
    line := canvas.NewLine(bundle.TextColor)
    profile := []*widget.FormItem{}
    profile = append(profile, widget.NewFormItem("Name", menu.NameEntry()))
    profile = append(profile, widget.NewFormItem("", layout.NewSpacer()))
    profile = append(profile, widget.NewFormItem("", container.NewVBox(line)))
    profile = append(profile, widget.NewFormItem("Theme", menu.ThemeSelect(&d)))
    profile = append(profile, widget.NewFormItem("", container.NewVBox(line)))

    // Rescan button function in asset tab
    rescan := func() {
        // What you want to scan wallet for

    // Place asset and market layouts into tabs
    tabs := container.NewAppTabs(
        container.NewTabItem("Assets", menu.PlaceAssets(app_tag, widget.NewForm(profile...), rescan, bundle.ResourceDReamsIconAltPng, &d)),
        container.NewTabItem("Market", menu.PlaceMarket(&d)))

    // Place tabs as window content and run app


The dwidget package is a extension to fyne widgets that intends to make creating dApps simpler and quicker with widgets specified for use with Dero. Numerical entries have prefix, increment and decimal control and pre-configured connection boxes can be used that are tied into dReams rpc vars and have default Dero connection addresses populated. There is objects for shutdown control as well as a spot for the dReams indicators, or new ones. This example starts a Fyne gui app using VerticalEntries() to start Gnomon when connected

package main

import (


// dReams dwidget NewVerticalEntries() example

// Name my app
const app_tag = "My_app"

// Gnomon instance from gnomes package
var gnomon = gnomes.NewGnomes()

func main() {
    // Initialize Gnomon fast sync true to sync db immediately
    gnomon.SetFastsync(true, false, 100)

    // Initialize logger to Stdout

    // Initialize fyne app
    a := app.New()

    // Initialize fyne window with size
    w := a.NewWindow(app_tag)
    w.Resize(fyne.NewSize(300, 100))

    // When window closes, stop Gnomon if running
    w.SetCloseIntercept(func() {
        if gnomon.IsInitialized() {

    // Initialize dwidget connection box
    connect_box := dwidget.NewVerticalEntries(app_tag, 1)

    // When connection button is pressed we will connect to wallet rpc,
    // and start Gnomon with NFA search filter if it is not running
    connect_box.Button.OnTapped = func() {
        if rpc.Daemon.Connect && !gnomon.IsInitialized() && !gnomon.IsStarting() {
            go gnomes.StartGnomon(app_tag, "boltdb", []string{gnomes.NFA_SEARCH_FILTER}, 0, 0, nil)

    // Place connection box and start app


The bundle package contains all dReams resources. Images, gifs and fonts can be imported as well as the two Dero styled base app themes for Fyne. This example starts a Fyne gui app with various widgets to show case both Dero themes and image imports from bundle.

package main

import (


// Name my app
const app_tag = "My_app"

func main() {
    // Initialize app color to bundle var
    bundle.AppColor = color.Black

    // Initialize fyne app with Dero theme
    a := app.New()

    // Initialize fyne window with size and icon from bundle package
    w := a.NewWindow(app_tag)
    w.Resize(fyne.NewSize(300, 100))

    // Initialize fyne container and add some various widgets for viewing purposes
    cont := container.NewVBox()
    cont.Add(container.NewAdaptiveGrid(3, dwidget.NewCenterLabel("Label"), widget.NewEntry(), widget.NewButton("Button", nil)))
    cont.Add(container.NewAdaptiveGrid(3, widget.NewLabel("Label"), widget.NewCheck("Check", nil), dwidget.NewLine(30, 30, bundle.TextColor)))
    cont.Add(widget.NewSlider(0, 100))

    // Widget to change theme
    change_theme := widget.NewRadioGroup([]string{"Dark", "Light"}, func(s string) {
        switch s {
        case "Dark":
            bundle.AppColor = color.Black
        case "Light":
            bundle.AppColor = color.White


    change_theme.Horizontal = true

    // Add a image from bundle package
    gnomon_img := canvas.NewImageFromResource(bundle.ResourceGnomonIconPng)
    gnomon_img.SetMinSize(fyne.NewSize(45, 45))

    // Adding last widget
    select_entry := widget.NewSelect([]string{"Choice 1", "Choice 2", "Choice 3"}, nil)

    // Place widget container and start app

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